Advanced Illustration Techniques for Teens with Navid Masoudnia 12-16 yrs

Learn to breathe the illusion of life into your favourite cartoon creations. Give them the gestures and expressions that make you believe they have personality, think and have feelings. Classes will take you through thstep by step process of character design and focus on the drawing fundamentals of shape, construction and silhouette. 

* Each term, this class is designed to provide appropriate content for returning and new students, ensuring that they can continue to learn and grow in their artistic abilities with material that builds upon their prior knowledge and skills*

LAC2 Wednesdays - $240/$225(LH Member)

LAC4 Mondays (9 wks)  - $220/$205 (LH Member) 





Advanced Illustration Techniques for Teens with Navid Masoudnia 12-16 yrs

NMC4: Advanced Illustration Techniques for Teens
Monday, 3 February to 7 April
6.30pm - 8pm
NMC2: Advanced Illustration Techniques for Teens
Wednesday, 5 February to 9 April
6.30pm - 8pm