Kaiwhakahaere - Operations Manager - Grae Burton

Grae Burton has been Operations Manager at Lake House Arts Centre since 2017.  He has had a diverse career in the arts including being the Artistic Director roles for The Independent Theatre and Arts Centre in Nelson and top of the South Summer Shakespeare Season.  He is a recipient of the Aotea Centre Performing Arts Scholarship as a specialist in Physical and Experimental Theatre.  For many years he worked as a freelance theatre director/designer and was one of the first New Zealanders to create Youtubing content for organisations and communities. He is an experienced and award-winning actor, writer, director and producer for stage and screen and one of the most collected visual artists in the Wallace Arts Trust Permanent Collection.  He continues his passion for filmmaking, photography and video/virtual arts in his current role and you may see him pop up on stage or in the occasional Film, TV show or commercial.

“Mena ka hiahia koe ki te whakapono i nga wa kei te heke mai, me tu koe ki mua o nga pokohiwi o mua (To have faith in the future, you must first stand on the shoulders of the past).  I strive every day to make the world I live in a healthy, safe, more vibrant and more equitable environment for my children to inherit.  I believe in the power of art and the positive impact it has on society.  It is incumbent on creative leaders to act with integrity, artistry and manaakitanga, recognising the art in all our people."

Kaiwhakarite Mātauranga - Education Coordinator - Shiraz Smith


Kaiwhakarite Mātauranga