Artwork credit: Sheree Foster, Sonja Drake

  • Lake House Arts - Call for Exhibition Proposals 

    Lake House Arts is pleased to announce our annual call for exhibition proposals for 2025. We invite artists at all stages of their careers, from emerging talents to established creators, to submit their exhibition proposals. Our exhibition spaces include the Becroft Gallery, Ogle Gallery, Pop Up Studio, Hamblin Gallery and Tindall Room, with varying exhibition lengths, all situated in our historic A* Heritage rated building on Barry’s Point Reserve. Satellite exhibition opportunities are also available. 

  • Key Dates: 

    Proposals Open: August 15th, 2024 

    Proposals Close: 5pm, Sunday 15th September 2024 

  • Orientation Workshop:
  • To assist potential applicants, we will host an orientation workshop on: 

    Date: Thursday, August 22nd 

    Time: 6 - 8pm 

    Venue: Ogle Gallery 


    This free workshop will be an excellent opportunity to network with other artists, provide valuable insights and will cover essential details about exhibiting with Lake House Arts. 

  • Submission Guidelines: We are seeking compelling exhibition proposals that demonstrate a cohesive body of work, either exhibition-ready or near completion. Artists can submit proposals for solo or group exhibitions. Collaborative joint exhibitions can also be facilitated. All mediums are welcome. 

    We encourage proposals which align with other cultural events, including Matariki, Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Auckland Photography Festival, Diwali and EcoFest. Preference will be given to artists who are willing to provide artist talks, live demonstrations or workshops during their exhibition season. 

  • Artist Responsibilities:
  • Artists are required to: 

    Gallery Minding, Lock-Up, and Alarm Responsibilities: 

    Mind their exhibition during weekend hours (10am – 2pm) in the Becroft Gallery. 

    Handle lock-up and alarm setting if hosting events outside staffed hours. 

    Attend an induction meeting prior to their exhibition to learn gallery security procedures. 

    Catering and Beverages: 

    Organise catering and beverages for the exhibition opening. Glassware, platters, and cutlery are provided free of charge. 

    Alternatively, pay Lake House Arts $150 for two platters of food, 6 bottles of wine, and juice. 

    Artwork Information: 

    Provide a list of artworks for sale to the Arts Coordinator one week before the exhibition opening.  

    Artwork information must be in the format of Artist name, artwork title, medium, price. Lake House Arts can create labels. 

    Ensure all prices include the commission rate of 17.5% + GST. 

    Staging the Exhibition: 

    Inform Lake House Arts if unable to begin installation from 12pm on the first Friday of your exhibition. 

    Continue staging on the first Saturday of your exhibition from 10am – 2pm if necessary, with staff assistance. 


    Artists must promote their exhibition independently by sharing it to your networks. 

    Artists must provide an exhibition image, blurb and artist biography three weeks before their exhibition opens. 

    Lake House Arts can create a poster and social media assets for the exhibition according to brand guidelines. 

    Lake House Arts will support promotion through their website, social media, and newsletter. 

    Artists are responsible for printing additional promotional materials. 

  • Application Process:
  • Please send your proposal as a single PDF (no more than three pages) to by 5pm, Sunday 15th September 2024. Include the following: 

    Preferred exhibition slots (first and second choice) 

    Exhibition title 

    Names of exhibiting artists 

    Images of completed artwork and artwork nearing completion that will be a part of your exhibition 

    Artist biography (50 – 100 words) 

    Exhibition concept (maximum 200 words) 

    Links to your website, Instagram or online examples of your artwork 

    Intended price range for artworks (considering the 17.5% + GST commission rate) 

  • Pricing: 

  • Becroft Gallery = $50 per day ($350 per week) 

    Ogle Gallery = $25 per day ($175 per week) 

    Hamblin Gallery = $12.50 per day ($87.50 per week) 

    Tindall Room = $12.50 per day ($87.50 per week) 

    Pop Up Exhibition = $150 per weekend exhibition (Friday to Sunday) 

    Exhibition Slots for 2024: 

    Slot 1: Fri 31st Jan - Fri 21st Feb (3 weeks) 

    Slot 2: Fri 21st Feb - Fri 14th March (3 weeks) 

    Slot 3: Fri 14th March - Fri 4th April (Ecofest 15 Mar - 14 April) (3 weeks) 

    Slot 4: Fri 4th April - Fri 25th April (3 weeks) 

    Slot 5: Fri 25th April - Fri 16th May (3 weeks) 

    Slot 7: Fri 6th June - Fri 27th June (3 weeks) 

    Slot 8: Fri 27th June - Fri 18th July (3 weeks) 

    Slot 9: Fri 18th July - Fri 8th August (3 weeks) 

    Slot 10: Fri 8th August - Fri 29th August (3 weeks) 

    Slot 11: Fri 29th August - Fri 19th September (3 weeks) 

    Slot 12: Fri 19th September - Fri 10th October (3 weeks) 

    Slot 13: Fri 10th October - Fri 31st October (3 weeks) 

    Slot 14: Fri 31st October - Fri 21st November (3 weeks) 

    Slot 15: Fri 21st November - Fri 12th December (3 weeks) 

    If you would like to set up a meeting to view the gallery spaces or if you have any exhibition-related queries, please contact Arts Coordinator Hannah Berry at 

    We look forward to receiving your proposals and showcasing the diverse talents of our artistic community.