Welcome to the Lake House Arts Archive Page, where you will find all sorts of content about the history of our great art centre.



The Lake House Chronicles

Episode 1 - "To the Rescue!"

Interviews with Alex Witten-Hannah, Ruth Ells and Fiona Downes, all founding members for the efforts to save, relocate and restore the house.

Episode 2 - "Memories Everywhere"

Interview with Fiona Downes about the trials and tribulations behind saving Lake House, removing it from the site, and beginning restoration.

Episode 3 - "Lake House Stories"

Interview with Tony Ogle his involvement with helping to save the house, his 40th birthday and the notorious lake house ghost.



Halloween Stories - The Lake House Ghost

Founding Member Tony Ogle tells a story about a visiting psychic.  Footage from Lake house security cameras April 13, 2018.


The Wood Sculpture Symposium

Archive videos from 2009, 2011 & 2013