Child Safety Guidelines
Requirement – You are required by Lake House Arts to read and follow the Child Safety Guidelines. There will be a hard copy document available for caregivers to read.
Agreement – By completing an enrolment for a child, a parent or caregiver acknowledges that they agree to the Child Safety Guidelines.
Health & Safety – If a child is unwell, they must be kept at home and Lake House Arts must be informed with as much notice as possible. They must only return to class once they are fully fit.If a child has a health issue which affects others in the class, ie head lice, then the Education Coordinator must be informed immediately.
If a child begins to feel sick/shows symptoms of illness, the tutor may take further action to support the children in the class by attending the sick child, in an isolated space. The tutor may seek further assistance from Lake House Management to support the class. You may be called to collect your child if unwell.
The Parent/Caregiver must be available to immediately collect any sick or symptomatic child when contacted.
COVID – 19 – If the child is diagnosed with COVID-19 the parent/caregiver must keep the child at home for the recommended period of self-isolation and must inform Lake House Arts. If the child is considered a close or casual contact with someone who has COVID-19, the child must remain at home for the recommended period and the parent must inform Lake House Arts.
Lake House Arts will take advice for best practice in the event that a student is diagnosed or becomes a close or casual contact with someone who has COVID-19. Lake House Arts may take further/follow-up action as a result.
In all matters related to specific students’ health and safety, Privacy and Confidentiality will be maintained by Lake House Arts.
Arrivals – Students under the age of 14 must arrive for their class on time, accompanied by an adult until the child has been received and signed in by the tutor. Lake House Arts will not be held responsible for the safety of anyone who arrives early to class and is left unattended by a parent or caregiver.
Uncollected Students – If no-one has collected a child at the end of a class, the tutor will attempt to contact parents/caregivers and the alternative contact person using the emergency details supplied at time of enrolment. After half an hour, if no-one has arrived to collect the child and contact has not been established between the tutor and the parent/caregiver, the tutor will contact the police and arrange for the child to be collected. The tutor will also give the Police any contact information they require to follow up with the parent/caregiver. Lake House Arts reserves the right to exclude from the program all children who are repeatedly collected late.
Disruptive Behaviour – Management reserves the right to exclude from the program any child who is persistently disruptive, does not adhere to the program rules or poses a significant risk to the safety of themselves or others. The tutor may contact and request caregivers to collect students displaying disruptive behaviour during class. The tutor will report any such action to Lake House Management, who may follow up with further action.
Accidents and Emergencies – Staff will perform appropriate first aid and if necessary, call emergency services to assist. Parents will be contacted thereafter. Any urgent medical attention will be at the parents’ cost. Children will not be transported by private vehicles unless there is a serious emergency e.g., the need to evacuate due to threat.
Responsibility – Lake House Arts bears no responsibility from emergencies resulting when a parent or caregiver has not disclosed their child’s existing medical pre-condition or behavioural issues and not supplied appropriate mitigating advice, medication or equipment. If you have any comments or concerns about the program, please contact the Education Coordinator –