BOOK NOW | Term 2 classes now available!

Everybody Can Paint with Verity Kindleysides

Tuesday 29 April – 1 July | 9.30am – 12pm

4 Spaces Available


This course is designed for both the novice and experienced painter wanting a safe and encouraging studio space and those beginning their visual journey. The course looks at the basics such as setting up, types of materials, painting styles, composition and techniques. We encourage water – based mediums such as acrylics for ease of use and clean up. You can choose to work from your own photographs or still life objects.

*Please add the number of participants to be registered for the class 

Availability: 4 in stock

Additional Information

Additional Information

VKA1 HR4 Tuesday 29 April – 1 July 9.30 – 12pm

Materials Required

A3 size canvas boards or canvas stretchers, sketchbook, a selection of paints (include primary colours), round and square bristle brushes. In the first instance just something to get you started! We will talk more about materials in the first session. If using oil paints, please bring sunflower or vegetable oil for cleaning, not turpentine.

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Reach out by phone or fill out the form below and we will do our best to help you.

Lake House Arts Centre
37 Fred Thomas Drive,

Takapuna, Auckland 0622

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