BOOK NOW | Term 2 classes now available!

Life Drawing with Rachael Burke (5 wk blocks)

Tuesday 29 April – 27 May | 6.30 – 8.30pm
Tuesday, 3 June – 1 July | 6:30 – 8:30pm

8 Spaces Available


This course offers students a variety of fun, creative ways to approach the human figure. The course covers basic proportions, anatomy, angles, gesture and contour drawing, negative space, foreshortening, tone and mark-making. Through guided instruction and feedback, the emphasis is on creative freedom and free expression. This approach results in dynamic drawings, and a generative body of work. The same course content is offered in the two 5-week blocks and is suitable for beginners through to the advanced practitioner and any returning students who can guide their own practice. Please note all sessions work with undraped models.

*Please add the number of participants to be registered for the class 

Additional Information

Additional Information

Tuesday 29 April- 27 May 6:30 – 8:30pm
Tuesday, 3 June – 1 July 6:30 – 8:30pm

Materials Required

A2 sketch pad white + black (individual sheets are also fine). Bulldog clip; Selection of pencils: HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B. Compressed charcoal sticks:(black, white, brown); Putty eraser. Sharpie + blue, black ball-point pen. Advanced students feel free to complement with your own preferred materials.

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Lake House Arts Centre
37 Fred Thomas Drive,

Takapuna, Auckland 0622

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