BOOK NOW | Term 2 classes now available!

Sketch & Play with Watercolour with Michelle Male

Tuesday 29 April – 1 July | 12.30 – 3pm
Tuesday 29 April – 1 July | 6:00-8.30pm
Wednesday 30 April – 2 July | 9.30-12pm

10 Spaces Available


Come and join this exciting class with an exciting medium – watercolour. Let’s get started with the importance of drawing, composition, value, colour, wash methods, glazes, wet in wet, brushstrokes textures and lots more. Learn how to make your colour sing! Develop lots of sketching techniques to produce your own watercolour travel sketches full of energy and let’s paint from the heart. For beginners and intermediate level.

* Each term, this class is designed to provide appropriate content for returning students, ensuring that they can continue to learn and grow in their artistic abilities with material that builds upon their prior knowledge and skills*

*Please add the number of participants to be registered for the class 

Additional Information

Additional Information

MMA1 HR4 Tuesday 29 April – 1 July 12.30-3pm
MMA4 HR2 Tuesday 29 April – 1 July 6:00-8.30pm
MMA2 HR4 Wednesday 30 April – 2 July 9.30-12pm

Materials Required

Water container, spray bottle, sponge, flat palette or plate, watercolours; ultramarine, alizarin, raw sienna, burnt sienna, lemon or cadmium yellow (or any you have), brushes; small watercolour brush and half inch flat, paper suitable for watercolour e.g, Fabriano, mixed media pad or pad suitable for light washes, pencil, notepad, masking fluid, masking tape, kitchen roll.

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Lake House Arts Centre
37 Fred Thomas Drive,

Takapuna, Auckland 0622

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