Terms & Conditions
Classes- Lake House Arts Centre General Terms & Conditions
Applies to all classes and enrolments - on site or online
All Terms and Conditions may be subject to change at the discretion of the Management. Any changes or updates will supersede previous Terms and Conditions.
- Enrolments will be handled on a first come, first served basis.
- Late enrolments are subject to availability and at the discretion of the Education Coordinator
- For a class to go ahead the minimum paid enrolments need to be reached.
- All Adult Term classes are 9 weeks unless otherwise stated and all Children’s classes are 8 weeks.
- Students need to pay in full to be confirmed as enrolled at least two working weeks before the class starts.
- Students and Parents enrolling on behalf of students shall comply with all Statutory Obligations required by New Zealand Law, and any Health Order or regulation the Lake House Trust requires. This includes proof of full vaccinations for any Pandemic/Epidemic deemed a risk to Public Health by Local or National Government.
- A full set of accurate and up to date parent/caregiver details is required for each child.
- If necessary, a relieving tutor may be employed to take the class if the primary tutor is sick/unavailable.
- All information is correct on going to press, however is subject to change.
- All prices include GST.
- Any class offered on site may also offer learning online through interactive zoom conferencing or alternative video/social online platforms
- In the event of Pandemics / Lockdowns / Natural Disasters / Acts of God classes (where possible) may be moved to online learning.
Shifting to online classes
- In the event that classes cannot continue physically on site for whatever reason, a tutor may deliver the class content to their students via the Zoom conference app and/or via emailed content/various online platforms. Emailed content can include, but is not limited to, still pictures, notes, video demonstrations, links and other resources.
- Enrolled students are expected to be able to shift to online learning if required.
Casual weekly classes/ reduced course enrolments
- If you would like to attend a class as a casual student on a weekly basis, please get in touch with the education coordinator first.
- Discounted term prices do not apply when attending a weekly class on a casual basis.
- Casual rates will only apply if a class has reached the minimum enrolments necessary for it to go ahead AND if there is space in the class AND the tutor agrees to accept casuals.
- Class maximums will not be breached by casuals.
- Casual rates are fixed at $35 per class, with the exception of clay classes being $40.
Material for classes
- Adult students bring their own art materials unless specified in the class description. Refer to the class on the website for details.
- Materials are supplied for all children’s classes, unless otherwise stated.
Refunds cancellations and transfers
- An “enrolment” is defined as the securing of a place in a class offered by Lake House Arts. An enrolment in a class does not guarantee the provision of service by Lake House Arts.
- Any refund given as a result of Lake House Arts being unable to provide the service is at the sole discretion of the management.
- No refund will be given after booking a class except in exceptional/extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the management.
- Forced Closure / Pandemics / Lockdowns / Natural Disasters / Acts of God are not considered exceptional / extenuating circumstances.
- In the event of a refund due to exceptional/extenuating circumstances, the refund will incur a 25% admin fee.
- Lake House reserves the right to cancel or postpone a class.
- In the event of Lake House postponing or cancelling a class, students will- o receive a credit toward the postponed or a future class OR o transfer to an alternative class by negotiation with the Education Coordinator
If crediting or transfer is deemed unsuitable due to exceptional/extenuating circumstances, a refund minus a 5% admin fee will be issued by internet banking payment.
Student behaviour
- Disruptive Behaviour – Management reserves the right to exclude from the program any student who is disruptive, does not adhere to the program rules or poses a significant risk to the safety of themselves or others.
- Bullying, racism, sexism and disrespectful /abusive behaviour towards the tutor or any other student will not be tolerated.
- In the event of offensive behaviour the tutor has the right to request the student to remove themselves from the class.
- If the matter cannot be resolved the Education Coordinator has the right to remove the offending student from the class/course. There will be no refund.
- Children’s tutors reserve the right to contact and request caregivers to collect students displaying disruptive behaviour during class.
- Any child or vulnerable person who asks for help from Lake House Arts Tutors or Management will be assisted in accordance with the Lake House Arts Children’s and Vulnerable Persons Policy.
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